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Molding Questions

I Have A Comfortable Fit, But I Can Still Hear Surrounding Noise?

If you think you have a good mold and just need more noise isolation, move up to a larger size of foam tips.

What If One Side Fits Better Than The Other Side?

If you find that one ear fits better than another, sometimes each side can require a different size of tip. So please use any combination needed to ensure a great fit. (Example would be a small foam tip in the right ear and medium foam or silicone in

The Mold Is Uncomfortable After A Few Hours, How Do I Fix This?

If the molding material goes under the folds or ridges of your ear it can become uncomfortable. Remold the earplugs and make sure that all the molding material is contained in just the concha (bowl) of the ear. Use your fingers to gently smooth the e

Do These Work For Kids or Small Ears?

With smaller ears, we've found that the small foam tips work really well for smaller ears, as they can be compressed before putting into the ears. However, for really small ears, we have a few tips to try:1) Start by cutting a little material off of

Filter Remolding Tips

Just a few tips to be successful in the re-molding process. FOAM TIPS USAGE: For the most protection and isolation, switch to the foam tips afterward.  With these, if you need more isolation, move to a larger size to find what works best for your sit

Earplug Remolding Tips

Just a few tips to be successful in the re-molding process. FOAM TIPS USAGE: For the most protection and isolation, switch to the foam tips afterward.  With these, if you need more isolation, move to a larger size to find what works best for your sit